1. Cheerful Christmas Juice Recipes

    Cheerful Christmas Juice Recipes

    The festive season is a wonderful time of year that brings families, friends and loved ones together to celebrate the end of another year with food, fun and laughs. It is usually during the silly season that we find ourselves at feast after feast and over-indulging is basically unavoidable. Cold pressed juices are not only a lovely and refreshing drink for everyone to sip on, they're also great for giving our body much needed nutrients. During this time added stress, less exercise and sweet treats are only inevitable. We have compiled some of our favourite Christmas Juice Recipes which are not only great as an alcoholic alternative but we have also included juice recipes for the lead up to the big day and for days afterwards. If you do enjoy a tipple then add your favourite Beveridge for at tasty cocktail.

    Pre-Christmas Juice Recipes

    Did you know that drinking cold press juice can be a fantastic way to de-stress and alleviate tension? There are a range of fruits and vegetables which have been found to calm the nervous system, control blood pressure and relax muscles. Sometimes the build up to Chirstmas day can be extremely stressful, so it is important to arm yourself with things which will help to ease the pressure. Try our favourite de-stressing super juice...

    Stress-free V8 Juice

    • 1/2 bunch or 6 stalks of celery
    • 1/2 red capsicum
    • 3 tomatoes
    • 2 carrots
    • 1 green apple

    Celery is widely known for calming nerves due to it's high calcium content, which also helps to control high blood pressure. Tomato and capsicum are both high in potassium and phosphorus which relieves stress, tiredness, fatigue and cramps. They will also give you the energy needed to get through the silly season!

    Christmas Juice Recipes for Christmas Day

    On the big day, there is nothing better than having fresh cold pressed juice available and at the ready for

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  2. Recipes for Bliss - Hemp Seed Balls

    Recipes for Bliss - Hemp Seed Balls

    Bliss in a Hemp Seed Ball


    When we think of hemp we think of getting high but is hemp the same as marijuana? In a nutshell, no, they are simply both part of the cannabis family. Using delicious hemp seeds in these delicious hemp seed bliss ball recipes you will get high on the delicious taste and natural health benefits of this special seed.

    hemp seeds, horizontal juicers, bliss balls, byron bay, recipes

    The Chinese knew that hemp seeds were healthy and used them as medicine for thousands of years particularly for mental illness related issues. Hemp seeds are rich in healthy fats and essential fatty acids and are a great source of protein, vitamin E, potassium, sodium and magnesium. A true superfood worthy of the name.


    Hemp seeds are good for your hearth as they are a great source of arginine (a basic amino acid and essential nutrient in our diet) and gamma-linolenic acid (a fatty substance found in various plant seed oils). With a ratio of 3:1 ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 hemp seeds are rich in healthy fats which may help with skin diseases providing relief from uncomfortable symptoms.


    Hemp seeds are complete source of protein as it makes up 25% of the calories and contain all the essential amino acids.


    Let's face it women don't feel very high when it is that time of the month. Hemp seeds may reduce symptoms associated with PMS and menopause, thanks to

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  3. Detox the Body with Green Juices

    Detox the Body with Green Juices

    For lack of a better word - green is good and everyone seems to know it. It seems that "green juice diets" and "green juice detoxes" are becoming quite a popular health craze of late.

    Seen in the media with celebrities and fitness enthusiasts alike promoting the benefits for weight loss, skin rejuvenation, improved energy levels and to generally cleanse the body. Beginning a green juice detox is quite a big under-taking, but your body will love you for it! There are many detox methods available today, from kits sold at health food shops, to fasting, to herbal mixtures. There is also the juice detox method which is best done with a juicer that produces a cold pressed juice.

    Detox the Body with Green JuicesA juice detox can be a solution to weight or existing health problems, and will you will certainly benefit if you also combine this with clean eating. Detoxing using the living juice method is not an easy task, and quite frankly it takes determination and support.

    Although you can juice with all vegetables and some fruits, Green Juices, made from green vegetables, have an extensive effect on the body's organs, and aids in releasing toxins, particularly those found in the liver. Leafy green vegetables release chlorophyll into the liver to encourage the breakdown of toxins by neutralizing them and aids overall liver function.
    When detoxing with a cold press juicer the juice stays alive for 48-72 hours without compromising its living properties. This means large amounts of juice can be extracted and stored for drinking later.

    Drinking green juices is perfect for detoxes as it helps the liver and provides maximum amounts of energy with minimum amount of effort. High in chlorophyll, it acts as a medicine by intensifying the oxygen flow. An increase in

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  4. Cold Press Juice Recipes: Vegetable Juices

    Cold Press Juice Recipes: Vegetable Juices

    You don't have to use fruit in your juice! Vegetable juices are packed full of nutrients and are a vital addition to any raw food diet. Make sure you leave the skins on your veggies when juicing because so many nutrients can be lost after peeling. Your Cold Press Juicer will preserve all the living enzymes in your vegetables for the healthiest juice possible!

    Veggie JuiceWe have put together some healthy juicing recipes, using our Oscar Neo DA 1000 and the BioChef Axis Cold Press Juicer to get you started.


    Garden Juice

    The combination of watercress, spinach and carrots makes an ideal drink to increase blood oxygenation.


    • handful watercress
    • 4 leaves bok choy
    • slice of onion
    • 4-5 carrots

    Preparation instructions:

    • turn the notch on the Juicing Nozzle to 2
    • then juice the carrots alternating with the bok choy and watercress
    • now juice the onion and stir mixture

    Preparation time: 8 min

    Yield: 2 glasses

    Preparation hints:
    Watercress is usually available in supermarkets with the herbs and sprouts. If you can’t find watercress, inspire the management of your local supermarket to start offering some. Watercress is also wonderful in salads, soups and on bread. Feed the carrots by the thin end first.

    Nutritional information:
    Watercress is exceedingly rich in sulphur, phosphorus and chlorine. It is a

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  5. Cold Press Juice Recipes: Fruit Juices

    Cold Press Juice Recipes: Fruit Juices

    The health benefits of cold pressed living juice are abundant and so many people around the world are joining the Living Juice revolution. The best produce can be found at your local farmer's market or green grocer. Buy as much fruit as you can. It's time to start juicing!

    If you don't already have a juicer and you are wanting to follow a healthy raw food diet, it is essential that you purchase a Cold Press Juicer, which will quickly become your favourite appliance in your Raw Food Kitchen.

    We have put together some healthy juicing recipes, using our Oscar Neo DA1000 and the BioChef Axis Cold Press Juicer, to get you started


    Meine Mango

    Mangoes have one big advantage; they have a great and strong taste. Mangoes can be quite expensive, but the good news is that one mango is more than enough for a good juice. There are at least twenty-two different types of mangoes with the most exquisite taste. Usually we are lucky to be able to purchase one or two different variations during the stone fruit season. On your next holidays in the tropics have a look for them.


    • 1 mango
    • 1 papaya
    • 4 oranges

    Machine set up:

    • First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 0.
    • Place your Juice Pitcher under
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  6. Dr. Norman Walker's Medicinal Juice Recipes

    Dr. Norman Walker's Medicinal Juice Recipes

    It is estimated that the average adult will get sick between 2-3 times a year and instead of fighting the common cold naturally, most people will opt to gorge on over the counter pharmaceuticals. Dr Norman Walker wrote "the human body is inextricably dependent on the quality of food that it intakes". Our bodies rely on nutrients that come from the fibres of fresh fruits and vegetables that help us when we encounter ailments and illness.

    There is no more powerful medicine than the properties which come from freshly squeezed fruits and vegetables. Dr Norman Walker spent years researching the benefits of cold press juicing and concluded that juicing was the most efficient and natural way to cure ailments because it was the only method which separated minerals and water in fresh produce from the fibres, and was digested into the bloodstream in a matter of minutes.

    When you juice you cleanse your colon, digestive system, blood, urinary system and saturate your tissues with nutritional value to aid in general nourishment. Juicing everyday can help prevent diseases and help the body to heal. Try a recipe from our medicinal juice recipe collection below when you are feeling unwell, tired or stressed as they will help you to fight of any winter ailments you might be experiencing.

    Juice for Infection

    An infection is your body's way of saying it has been overloaded with waste matter and toxins and is a warning for you to take better care for yourself. Drinking juice and fasting for a day or two can do wonders to the recovery of your body's organs and will help in the prevention of accumulated waste and toxins inside the body. The following juice recipe is a great antibiotic juice for all types of infections.


    • 1 inch long piece of fresh Aloe Vera
    • 1 Apple
    • 2 Carrots
    • A handful of alfalfa leaves
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  7. Dr. Norman Walker's "Juice for Medicine" Recipes

    Dr. Norman Walker's "Juice for Medicine" Recipes

    "Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food" - Hippocrates

    It is estimated that the average adult will get sick between 2-3 times a year and instead of fighting the common cold naturally, most people will opt to gorge on over the counter pharmaceuticals. Dr Norman Walker wrote “the human body is inextricably dependent on the quality of food that it intakes”. Our bodies rely on nutrients that come from the fibres of fresh fruits and vegetables that help us when we encounter ailments and illness.

    There is no more powerful medicine than the properties which come from freshly squeezed fruits and vegetables. Dr Norman Walker spent years researching the benefits of cold press juicing and concluded that juicing was the most efficient and natural way to cure ailments because it was the only method which separated minerals and water in fresh produce from the fibres, and was digested into the bloodstream in a matter of minutes.

    When you juice you cleanse your colon, digestive system, blood, urinary system and saturate your tissues with nutritional value to aid in general nourishment. Juicing everyday can help prevent diseases and help the body to heal. Try a recipe from our medicinal juice recipe collection below when you are feeling unwell, tired or stressed as they will help you to fight of any winter ailments you might be experiencing.

    Juice for Infection

    An infection is your body’s way of saying it has been overloaded with waste matter and toxins and is a warning for you to take better care for yourself. Drinking juice and fasting for a day or two can do wonders to the recovery of your body’s organs and will help in the prevention of accumulated waste and toxins inside the body. The following juice recipe is a great antibiotic juice for all types of infections.


    • 1 inch long piece of fresh
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  8. Pulp Recipes: Utilise the Left-Over Pulp From Your Juicer!

    Pulp Recipes: Utilise the Left-Over Pulp From Your Juicer!

    Enjoying your cold press juicer doesn't have to end at juicing. Although they churn out nutritious juices time after time, they also expel fresh pulp. What most people don't realise is that the pulp is still contains nutrients and has lots of fibre in it. Depending on the produce you are juicing the pulp will may be quite wet or dry, but both will still have a large amount of dietary fibre available.

    A constant question we get asked by our customers is: "What can I do so I don't waste any of the produce I juice?" With this in mind, we have compiled a collection of ideas and recipes to add to your collection.

    What can you do with the leftover pulp?


    This is the first thing you might think of and if you love composting, using left over pulp in your garden is one of the most natural and green ideas to help the environment. This process absorbs carbon from the atmosphere, locking it away in your soil. This ongoing storage process is a form of carbon sequestration. It also prevents weed growth and reduces the amount of waste sent to landfill sites.


    Instead of green powders, try adding real vegetable pulp to your next smoothie to add additional fibre and nutrients to a healthy blend. Try blending pulp with blueberries, bananas, romaine lettuce and natural yogurt.

    Pet Food:

    Feed it to your furry friends! Add a little leftover pulp to your dog's food bowl, they are sure to enjoy vegetables full of fibre. Give your dog fruit and veggie pulp whenever possible. Be aware though, some fruits and vegetables can be toxic to your pets. You should research these before feeding them any pulp.

    Tasty Pulp Recipes

    Black Bean and Veggie Burgers

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  9. It's not just a Juicer: Breakfast Recipes

    It's not just a Juicer: Breakfast Recipes

    Fresh and Light Juicy Delight Muesli

    This Fresh & Light Muesli is one of our most refreshing muesli recipes and is great as a healthy, delicious alternative to having milk in your muesli. Adding more fruit into your raw food diet will increase your body's ability to fight toxins, helping you look and feel healthy and full of vitality.


    ¼ pineapple
    2 oranges
    2 nectarines
    1 cup oats
    ½ cup of white grapes

    Machine set up:

    • First place the Living Juicer Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Living juicers like Oscar Neo cold press juicer are perfect for this use. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 1.
    • Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.
    • Always be sure to start your juicer before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

    Preparation instructions:

    • First juice the pineapple and 2 oranges
    • Then let the nectarines and the raisins run through the guide together
    • Mix everything together with the grapes

    Preparation time: 8 min

    Yields: 2 serves

    Preparation hints:

    Add pine nuts to this dish for a taste sensation.

     Tip: Use the Oscar Neo DA 1000, our latest and most advanced model horizontal Cold Press Juicer

    Sunflower Sun Muesli

    Enjoy a balanced healthy diet with fresh raw foods. This Sun Muesli is just another great idea from our fine range of healthy recipes, combining all natural foods, including

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  10. It's not just a Juicer: Warm Winter Soup Recipes

    It's not just a Juicer: Warm Winter Soup Recipes

    Did you know that the Oscar Neo 1000 and the Oscar VitalMax 900 juicers are excellent soup makers? If you want an alternative method to add to your raw food diet and get a meal from your juicer, you can add soups to your list of healthy juicing recipes!

    Just select the vegetables you would like, keeping the pulp adjustment nozzle on the lowest setting to allow for pulp to enter with the juice. If you want your soup thinner, you can tighten the pulp adjustment nozzle to have less texture and fiber in it.

    You canadd some fat superfoods like avocado if you don't want to add butter later, add salt and pepper and warm it gently in a saucepan. But be careful not to overheat it you don't kill off any enzymes. You can add spices, seeds, fresh herbs and finish with a drizzle of olive oil, if desired!

    Here are some wonderful Raw Soup Recipes :

    Tomato Basil Soup:

    Ingredients (for 1 serving):

    • 2 tomatoes
    • 10-12 leaves of basil
    • Salt and pepper to taste

    Cut the tomatoes into quarters and put them in your juicer with the basil leaves. Alternate juicing between tomatoes and basil, to create a consistent flavour.

    In a few seconds you will have a thick soup smelling fresh cut basil that can be enjoyed either hot or cold!

    Carrot-Ginger Juice Soup:

    Ingredients (for 2 servings):

    • 5 large carrots
    • 1 celery heart
    • 2 tomatoes
    • 1 red bell pepper
    • Thumb-size piece of ginger
    • ¼ small shallots
    • ¼ cup coconut water
    • 1 lemon

    Juice all the ingredients and add the coconut water when your preparation is ready. Warm your soup in a saucepan barely warmer then the room temperature. Add seasoning like curry powder, cumin, olive oil, salt and paper if you wish.

    Juiced Tomatoes & Herb Soup


    • 8 tomatoes
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  11. Easy Green Juice Recipes

    Easy Green Juice Recipes

    Here are some great healthy recipes for making the most out of your juicer and getting the maximum amount of nutrients from your raw foods. These recipes can be used as part of your daily juicing routine, or you can experiment with your own ideas. Our Cold Press Juicers will make it an easy and fun process!

    2 carrots
    1 orange
    30mls wheat-grass
    Ginger to taste

    30mls wheat-grass
    1 green apple
    ½ lime

    Place a bunch of wheat-grass (about ¾ inch diameter) tip down into the feeding Chute. Feed carrots and other desired fruits or vegetables into the chute for a milder tasting combination for those who haven’t tried pure wheat-grass juice before.

    5-6 apples
    3-4 celery stalks
    Juice alternatively.

    Apples build resistance to infection, have anti- cancer benefits and are great for healthy hair, skin and fingernails. Celery assists in the elimination of carcinogens and has a calming effect on the nervous system.

    Discover all the health benefits of Living Juice with the Vitality 4 Life range of healthy juicers

    For the general family:
    [product id="1301"]

    For the health inclined:
    [product id="1453"]


    For the Chef:
    [product id="1279"]

    For the Raw Foodist:
    [product id="1267"]

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