1. VegeBox - not just for greens

    VegeBox - not just for greens

    VegeBox - Indoor Hydroponic Gardens
    Fresh food at your finger tips...

    Spice up your life with red hot chilli peppers

    Your VegeBox indoor hydroponic garden is not only for growing greens. Add a splash of colour and spice and grow your own red hot chilli or a tangle of juicy cherry tomatoes.

    vegebox, grow your own chillis, byron bay, indoor hydroponic garden

    There are so many reasons to spice up your foods. A study by Harvard and China National Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (2015) found that eating spicy food for seven days a week — even just once a day — lowered mortality rates by 14 percent! (Note: if you skip the cooling alcoholic beverage you could live even longer)

    The other exciting thing about spicy food is that once your brain has registered the ‘pain’ it immediately starts producing endorphins, those natural little happy makers that give you a rush. That’s maybe why it’s quite addictive, but not in a bad way!

    If the pain gets too much just remember that the chemical in spicy food ‘capsaicin’ is also a fat-soluble molecule so can help you on your journey to lose weight if you need to. The little chilli sure packs a spicy punch.

    Beware though that if you are going to add more spicy foods to your diet remember that processed foods, as with most takeaway, usually has large amounts of added sodium. So growing your own chilli at home in your VegeBox

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  2. Composting: Helpful Tips on How to Turn Your Waste into Brown Gold

    Composting: Helpful Tips on How to Turn Your Waste into Brown Gold

    Keen to start composting? Or perhaps you've tried composting before but were unsuccessful in creating that 'brown gold' compost soil that you've heard about? Don't give up now! With a few tips, you can easily turn your kitchen and garden waste into good quality, organic compost to feed your garden.

    Hands holding soilFor the transformation of waste to compost soil to occur the right conditions need to be in place. You will need the right balance of oxygen, temperature, moisture, organic matter, and the right type and number of microorganisms.

    The organic matter portion of the formula will need to be made up of the right levels of nitrogen and carbon to achieve optimum results. The levels of each will depend on your climate, composter location and the type of organic waste that you are adding.

    But don't be disillusioned. While it sounds like you need a science degree to make composting work, you can rest assured that you don't. We are here to help you become the envy of your family, friends and neighbours with the best garden on the street!



    Balancing Carbon & Nitrogen Waste

    First things first; most waste produced from home users contains higher percentages of nitrogen from kitchen waste such as vegetables, fruits, leftovers, meats, coffee grounds etc. This therefore needs to be balanced in the compost with carbon waste from such things as straw, sawdust, leaves or shredded paper (just ensure the paper is not heavily printed).

    If carbon based waste is not something that is included as part of your normal compost, adding some carbon material should be done each time you add compost. A good guide is a ratio of 10% carbon to the amount of compost you are adding from kitchen waste - this ensures an ideal balance of

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  3. Composting: Which Composter is Right for Me?

    Composting: Which Composter is Right for Me?

    Successful composting involves the right conditions; and while you can control certain factors by changing the type of waste matter you are adding, factors such as oxygen levels and temperature can be difficult to manage. The correct choice of composter can allow you to easily cater for this and help you to achieve composting success.

    CompostIf climate and location are possible issues for you, an insulated composter is recommended to regulate temperatures in both hot and cold climates and locations.

    Composters with adjustable air vents can also assist with oxygen control and those that are sealed and elevated can prevent rodents from attacking your compost, while allowing for a wider range of waste materials to be composted.

    So, which composter is right for you? We breakdown some of the main elements worth considering before purchasing a composter, so that you can get the best out of your composter including materials, type and size.

    Rotating Versus Fixed Composters

    Both fixed and rotating composters are effective options for producing your own organic compost soil at home. However, several additional benefits of a rotating model outweigh fixed design models - offering you the best conditions and functionality.

    Benefits of A Rotating Composter

    • Fast Waste to Compost Time – The compost process time is reduced due to the ability to easily and thoroughly mix your compost.
    • Pest Control – Rotating bins are totally sealed and off the ground so rodents and animals accessing your compost is not a concern
    • Durability – Composters that are d
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  4. Top 10 Benefits of Composting

    Top 10 Benefits of Composting

    Understanding the value of finished compost is one of the best ways to get into composting.

    Often referred to as “Black Gold” by organic gardeners, it’s relatively easy to make, virtually free and good for the environment. So why wouldn't you want to do it?

    CompostingWe have compiled our top 10 reasons to start composting today. But first, let’s learn a little bit more about what compost is.

    What is Compost?

    In its simplest form, compost is produced by the natural decomposition of organic waste which can take anywhere from a couple of weeks to a few months depending on the size and mix. Composting is a natural process that turns organic matter into a dark, rich substance as organisms begin to decompose the organic material. Organic matter includes but is not limited to garden waste, kitchen scraps, leaves, grass clippings, paper, cardboard and straw.

    Compost and organic matter are a valuable soil addition as they can improve soil structure, aid in necessary microbial activity within the soil, attract good bugs such as earthworms, and can suppress several soil-born diseases.

    An important note to remember is that you can never add too much compost into your soil. Good compost is the colour of dark chocolate and should smell earthy.

    So now that you know what compost actually is, below are our top 10 reasons why you may want to give composting a go - at home or in your place or business.

    Joraform Rotating Compost Tumblers

    10 Reasons to Compost

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  5. Easy to use Sun Garden - Indoor-led-hydroponic-garden

    Easy to use Sun Garden - Indoor-led-hydroponic-garden

    Have you ever thought about using an indoor-led-hydroponic-garden or growing your own organic, pesticide-free vegetables, fruits and herbs, but don’t have the space or time? The Sun Garden  indoor-led-hydroponic-garden a revolution in Indoor Gardens, which allows you to grow fresh organic produce throughout every season whether you live in the countryside or in the heart of a busy city.

    Not only are you able to grow vegetables like lettuce or a radish from seed to full maturity, the indoor-led-hydroponic-garden is also the perfect environment for germinating and sprouting vegetables, fruits and herbs. By “starting off” your vegetables, fruits and herbs in the indoor-led-hydroponic-garden you are able to give them the best chance at a successful growth in an outdoor garden. You can easily transplant sprouted plants into your outdoor garden when they have successfully reached the Vegetative Growth Stage. This will give your seeds the safe ""kick-start"" they need to flourish in an outdoor environment.

    Indoor gardening is the convenient and practical way to grow herbs, vegetables and flowers indoors. Indoor garden products offer an economical and fool-proof method for beginners or people with little or no space for outdoor gardens.

    The Vitality4life indoor-led-hydroponic-garden Uses a small, watering wick to ensure the plants are hydrated at all times, Gardening is a fantastic way for kids to learn lessons about the natural world around them, this built watering system ensures results every time. And will help the kids develop an interest and awareness in the food that they are eating and encourage sustainable practices early on in life. the LED lighting distributes artificial light to ensure the growth of the plants. Indoor garden products guarantee your plants will last

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  6. How to use Easy Fill Hanging Baskets

    How to use Easy Fill Hanging Baskets

    Easy Fill Hanging baskets are excellent for adding colour and texture to entrance ways, verandas, walls and pergolas. Traditionally hanging baskets are the domain of decorative flowers, however can also be a space saving solution for a funky herb garden or even a strawberry patch. 

    Specially designed for use by professional growers, these truly amazing Easy Fill Hanging Baskets are now available for home gardeners so you too can grow the most incredible displays. Their unique construction allows you to plant from the outside in, passing each plant through pre-formed apertures without any root damage whatsoever. Once in place, you simply slip a lattice Gate in to position and it will hold the plant with the roots inside and the leaves and flowers outside in both cases perfectly unharmed by the process! 


    Unlike regular baskets with plastic liners, the Easy Fill Hanging Basket allows the roots of your plants to breathe and ensures each has enough space to reach its full potential. Once fully planted - top, sides and bottom, the visual impact is immediate, stunning and long lasting Easy Fill baskets really are the last baskets you will ever need to buy - re-use them year after year, and get Professional results every time!

    Handy hint

    During summer, position your Easy Fill baskets where they get morning sun, but are shaded from the heat of the afternoon sun. Make sure the bracket or hook is strong enough (and well secured) to hold the weight of the full basket.

    It is quick and easy to use your Venetian Easy Fill Hanging Baskets.


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  7. The Sun Garden - Grow Vegetables, Herbs and Wheat-grass

    The Sun Garden - Grow Vegetables, Herbs and Wheat-grass

    Have you ever thought about growing your own organic, pesticide-free vegetables, fruits and herbs, but don’t have the space or time? The Sun Garden is a innovative way to grow fresh produce throughout every season whether you live out in the countryside or in the heart of a busy city.

    When you grow your own herbs and vegetables, you don't have to worry about any contamination that may occur at the farm, manufacturing plant, or transportation process. Grow anything from tomatoes, radishes even to bok choy. Also, grow your own supply of herbs all-year around; the Sun Garden has the ability to grow basil, parsley, mint, wheat-grass and rocket.

    The Sun Garden is Cost Effective

    The Sun Garden can reduce food costs by allowing households to grow vegetables in an economical and environmentally friendly way. The LED lights used in the Sun Garden reduce electrical bills by 83% compared to florescent lamps.

    Germinate in the Sun Garden

    By “starting off” your plants in the Sun Garden you are able to give them the best chance at a successful growth in an outdoor garden. You can easily move your sprouted plants into your outdoor garden when they have successfully reached the Vegetative Growth Stage. This will give your seeds the safe "kick-start" they need to flourish in an outdoor environment.

    [product id="1439"]

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