1. Homemade Jerky Recipes

    Homemade Jerky Recipes

    There is no science behind making any meat jerky, all you have to do is know what flavours you like, use the freshest of fresh meat and you can be assured of a yummy snack.

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  2. Raw Smoothie Recipes for the BioChef Blender

    Raw Smoothie Recipes for the BioChef Blender

    Vitality 4 Life has put together a wonderful collection of fruit and veggie smoothies as part of your healthy diet. All these smoothies contain nothing but raw foods and therefore make a perfect addition to your raw food diet.

    Berry Blast Smoothie

    In this recipe berries bring a sweet fragrance with a subtle tart overtone and make this low GI treat a real winner. Research is suggesting that raspberries have the potential to inhibit cancer cell proliferation and tumour formation. Raspberries contain ellagic acid, an antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals and prevents damage to cell membranes. Whilst fresh berries are best, freezing does not destroy their anti-oxidant activity and is sometimes more convenient. Berries are also heart-healthy foods. In a Finnish study, subjects who ate two serves of berries a day were found to have lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol.

    Spinach has been found to have thirteen different flavonoid compounds with anti-cancer properties. Spinach has been shown to slow down the growth of cancer cells in the stomach and the prostrate and to be inversely related to the incidence of breast cancer. Spinach has also been shown to protect against osteoporosis, heart disease, colon cancer and arthritis.


    1 cup raspberries
    1 cup blueberries
    1 apple
    3 big handfuls of baby spinach
    2 cups of water

    Using any good blender – we use the BioChef High Performance Blender - blend together the apples, raspberries, blueberries and water for 30 seconds. Add the baby spinach and blend until smooth.

    Dairy Free Avocado Smoothie

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