1. BioChef Commercial Dehydrators

    Discover the Best Range of Commercial Food Dehydrators in New Zealand with Vitality 4 Life

    Are you a business owner in New Zealand seeking commercial food dehydrators that combine quality, innovation, and performance? Look no further than the BioChef range of commercial dehydrators, available exclusively through Vitality 4 Life. In this blog post, we'll explore why the BioChef range is a game-changer for businesses and how Vitality 4 Life's commitment to excellence ensures you get the best in commercial food dehydration.

    The BioChef Difference:

    1. Unparalleled Quality: The BioChef range is synonymous with quality. Crafted with precision and built to last, these dehydrators undergo rigorous testing to meet the highest industry standards. When you invest in BioChef, you're investing in a product designed for durability and efficiency.

    2. Innovative Technology: BioChef dehydrators incorporate cutting-edge technology that enhances the dehydration process. From intelligent temperature controls to even air distribution, these features guarantee consistent results, whether you're drying fruits, vegetables, or meats.

    3. Energy Efficiency: Sustainability is a key concern for modern businesses. BioChef dehydrators are designed with energy efficiency

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  2. BioChef Gemini Twin Gear Juicer

    BioChef Gemini Twin Gear Juicer

    Why you need the BioChef Gemini Twin Gear for optimum health.

    The BioChef Gemini twin gear juicer technology delivers a significantly higher ratio of living enzymes and nutrients than other cold press juicers on the market. It is specially for those health enthusiasts who want the highest quality juice with the most living enzymes.

    A little look at the history of the Twin Gear Juicers...

    The Hippocrates GPT-1305 by Green Power was the original innovative design by Mr. Jang G. Kim; inventor of the Green Power juicers and the twin gear extraction process.

    Over 20 years ago Vitality 4 Life founder Roger Akins, began importing the first twin gear Green Power juicers into Australia and together with Brian Clement from the Hippocrates Health Institute in Florida, they worked with Mr. Kim to develop the new improved Hippocrates juicer. Now, we have the BioChef Gemini the newest and best twin gear juicer on the market.

    The power of the Gemini Twin Gear is the gear's themselves.

    A twin gear juicer is a triturating juicer that has two gears that mesh firmly together at a steady pace. They contain magnetic and bio-ceramic technologies which work together to generate an overflow of positive ions, increasing the life and vitality of the juice.

    The new superior twin gears of the latest model Gemini mesh together more finely than ever before, so more of the cellulose wall is opened during the extraction process, leaving an abundance of vital enzymes and nutrients suspended in colloidal form, making them more accessible to the body.

    This finer meshing

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  3. Horizontal Juicers - More than just juice

    Horizontal Juicers - More than just juice

    Horizontal juicers are so much more than juicers

    Did you know that horizontal juicers are not just for juicing? Juicers such as the BioChef Axis double as raw food processors. Not only can you make your favourite juices you can also enjoy, nut butters, sorbets, dips, pasta, bread sticks and more.

    You can use a horizontal juicer for most kitchen food processing tasks making them more versatile than a vertical juicer. If you have just had a baby the horizontal juicer will be your best friend in the kitchen quietly making fresh, nutritious baby foods to both eat now and store for later.

    cold press juicer, oscar, best cold press juicer, best new zealand cold press juicer

    Most horizontal cold press juice extractors such as the Oscar Neo 1000 come with a variety of different attachments turning your juicer into a food processor. The mincing screen is used to puree, emulsify and crush the ingredients turning them into a paste or sauce. For example, basil, garlic, lemon, pine nuts, olive oil and Parmesan can be alternatively fed into the machine where it is crushed and extruded as a fresh living basil pesto. When made with the juicer you won't believe the taste of this pesto! It is completely different than when using

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  4. Recipes for Bliss - Hemp Seed Balls

    Recipes for Bliss - Hemp Seed Balls

    Bliss in a Hemp Seed Ball


    When we think of hemp we think of getting high but is hemp the same as marijuana? In a nutshell, no, they are simply both part of the cannabis family. Using delicious hemp seeds in these delicious hemp seed bliss ball recipes you will get high on the delicious taste and natural health benefits of this special seed.

    hemp seeds, horizontal juicers, bliss balls, byron bay, recipes

    The Chinese knew that hemp seeds were healthy and used them as medicine for thousands of years particularly for mental illness related issues. Hemp seeds are rich in healthy fats and essential fatty acids and are a great source of protein, vitamin E, potassium, sodium and magnesium. A true superfood worthy of the name.


    Hemp seeds are good for your hearth as they are a great source of arginine (a basic amino acid and essential nutrient in our diet) and gamma-linolenic acid (a fatty substance found in various plant seed oils). With a ratio of 3:1 ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 hemp seeds are rich in healthy fats which may help with skin diseases providing relief from uncomfortable symptoms.


    Hemp seeds are complete source of protein as it makes up 25% of the calories and contain all the essential amino acids.


    Let's face it women don't feel very high when it is that time of the month. Hemp seeds may reduce symptoms associated with PMS and menopause, thanks to

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  5. Microgreens - does size really matter?

    Microgreens - does size really matter?


    When growing microgreens in your VegeBox indoor hydroponic garden it's the smaller the better

    Microgreens are simply young vegetable greens or seedlings of a vegetable, herb or edible flower. They don't need a lot of room so growing them in a Vegebox indoor hydroponic garden is easy. Succulent, slender but packing a powerful, nutritious, flavour punch, microgreens are increasing in popularity. While they may seem tender and delicate they are easy to germinate and with usually five days from seed to harvest, even the most impatient gardener will be happy.

    vegebox, indoor hydroponic garden, indoor garden, microgreens,

    Home hydroponics is very popular especially for those who do not have a garden or patio or live in small, high rise apartments. Size matters when you don't have a lot of space and the VegeBox indoor hydroponic garden is compact, sleek and can fit anywhere. Plus there is no digging and weeding to be done so more time to relax.

    Hydroponic vs Soil

    Hydroponic microgreens have some distinct advantage over soil grown. If you are impatient like me you will love hydroponics. Plants grow up to 50 percent faster than soil grown plants. They are chemical free and less susceptible to pests and disease. Being inside they are also safe from the bigger, furry variety of pest.

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  6. VegeBox - not just for greens

    VegeBox - not just for greens

    VegeBox - Indoor Hydroponic Gardens
    Fresh food at your finger tips...

    Spice up your life with red hot chilli peppers

    Your VegeBox indoor hydroponic garden is not only for growing greens. Add a splash of colour and spice and grow your own red hot chilli or a tangle of juicy cherry tomatoes.

    vegebox, grow your own chillis, byron bay, indoor hydroponic garden

    There are so many reasons to spice up your foods. A study by Harvard and China National Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (2015) found that eating spicy food for seven days a week — even just once a day — lowered mortality rates by 14 percent! (Note: if you skip the cooling alcoholic beverage you could live even longer)

    The other exciting thing about spicy food is that once your brain has registered the ‘pain’ it immediately starts producing endorphins, those natural little happy makers that give you a rush. That’s maybe why it’s quite addictive, but not in a bad way!

    If the pain gets too much just remember that the chemical in spicy food ‘capsaicin’ is also a fat-soluble molecule so can help you on your journey to lose weight if you need to. The little chilli sure packs a spicy punch.

    Beware though that if you are going to add more spicy foods to your diet remember that processed foods, as with most takeaway, usually has large amounts of added sodium. So growing your own chilli at home in your VegeBox

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  7. New Year's Resolutions - Just say NO

    New Year's Resolutions - Just say NO

    People have been failing at their New Year's Resolutions for 4000 years. What makes me think I could do any better? It's been three days and I have already failed. At least back then the Babylonians were offering their resolutions up to God in the hope of improving the crop. Now we just offer them up to ourselves or our nearest and dearest who have no choice but to listen and nod along. But what do we get in return?

    new years resolutions, eat healthy, juice everday

    When looking at the top new year's resolutions I mostly notice this.. we have to give up, quit, try harder, be better, look better and on it goes. I think if we were going to do these things we would have already done them. Its just too hard especially with a hangover. I don't know about you but if someone or even myself tells me to do something, I just don't want to do it. It's the latent toddler in all of us. So by the time we get to the second week, or day in my case, of January, we start thinking 'bugger it' and go back to normal wishing we hadn't told anyone. And what we are left with is a little bit of guilt and self loathing. Perfect start to the New Year.

    I like the old saying 'one day at a time' it's perfect for this time of year and any other. Instead of saying I must lose 10 kg this year to feel better about myself. Maybe just one day start the day with a cleansing juice and go for a walk

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  8. Why should you choose a Ceramic Knife?

    Why should you choose a Ceramic Knife?

    Ceramic knives are increasingly becoming more and more popular these days, but have you ever wondered why? Have you ever picked up your usual go-to knife at home to cut up tomato and realised that is it too dull to cut through the skin? Ever notice a weird metallic taste to your freshly chopped produce?

    Most people have used stainless steel knives their whole lives and have come to expect the general upkeep that they require and the metallic taste that older knives can leave behind. Regular sharpening is needed to keep a good knife useful and the eventual staining and rust marks are just the way it is.

    This is not the case with a ceramic knife. Ceramic knives will never corrode, as there is no metal to rust. The materials that make up a ceramic blade are very hard, in fact Zirconium dioxide or Zirconia (ZrO2) is rated 8-8.5 on Mohs* scale of hardness while Stainless Steel is only rated 5.5-6.3. Ceramic knives have been known to stay sharp for up to fifteen times longer than a stainless steel knife.

    Ceramic knives are typically half the weight of a tradition knife and offer less strain on your arms and shoulders when being used for tasks that you have to perform repeatedly. Ceramic material is not very porous, and so this prevents the blade from transferring odours and tastes from one food to the next. Just simply rinse the blade with some warm water and it’s ready to go!

    Ceramic knives are chemically inert this means that these knives won’t give your food a metallic taste or smell. Fruits and vegetables won’t oxidize (discolour) as quickly when cut with a ceramic knife as there are no metal ions present for the produce to react to. This makes ceramic knives perfect for preparing your fruits and vegetables for juicing, fruit salads, smoothies and raw food recipes.

    These knives are not to be used for everything, as hardness doesn’t equal strength. Ceramic knives are not meant to be used to cut hard materials

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  9. Dr Norman Walker: a Pioneer in the Health Industry

    Dr Norman Walker: a Pioneer in the Health Industry

    Dr Norman Walker teaches his guiding principles through his books: Fresh Vegetables & Fruit Juices, Natural Way to Vibrant Health, Become Younger, Water Can Undermine Your Health, Colon Health, Natural Weight Control and Vegetarian Guide to Diet & Salad.

    Dr Norman W. Walker (1886-1985) is recognised throughout the world as one of the most authoritative students of life, health and nutrition. For almost 75 years, Dr. Walker has researched man's ability to live a longer, healthier life. He is his own example of achieving vibrant health through proper thought, diet and body care.

    Dr Norman Walker, who lived to the very ripe age of 99 years, is known globally as the trail-blazing raw foodist of the modern era. His books are a must for either the novice or the devoted health seeker. We have selected what we consider to be his best books, and offer them individually, or in a set of seven for a special price.

    "As a natural health practitioner I read health related books constantly. In particular I love the work of Dr. Norman Walker. I have read all his books and find them easy to read and very informative. I have on regular occasions loaned out these books to clients. As part of my natural therapies I utilize colon hydrotherapy and I have found Dr. Walker's COLON HEALTH book particularly good for clients to read before having colonic irrigation so they are more informed. The FRESH VEGETABLES AND FRUIT JUICES book is great as an adjunct to any clients who are using one of the Vitality 4 Life juice extractors I recommend and sell. My personal favourite book is Dr. Walkers VEGETARIAN GUIDE TO DIET AND SALAD, as I love how he speaks on the benefits of proper food combining and advocates the benefits of colon therapy. Although each individual should seek medical advice for any health issues, the Walker books contain great information that would benefit any person seeking

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