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Bring Yoga into Your Own Home in Five Eay Steps
Looking to make your living room your own personal Yoga Studio? Tired of dragging yourself up at 5:30am and having to drive to your local studio or gym. Here are some tips from Vitality 4 Life for how to bring your Yoga practice into your home.
1. Create Your Own Routine:
Yoga truly is best practised under the guidance of a professional. For this reason, Vitality 4 Life recommends buying a DVD, subscribing to a Podcast or talking to a Yoga instructor to put together a few different routines that you can do at home.
Make sure you have a couple different routines available to you so you can vary your practice according to your mood, length of time, and how your body is feeling emotionally and physically.
2. Set up a Comfortable Space:
You'll want to make sure that you have a space to practice in that gives you not only enough room for all of your poses, but also makes you feel relaxed.
You will be more likely to do your practice if you have a dedicated space or a space that can be easily cleared. Open the curtains and and let some fresh light and air in and put on some tranquil music. Whatever you do, just make sure you have an adequate amount of space and you feel relaxed and open to your practice.
[caption id="attachment_1487" align="aligncenter" width="520"] Yoga Practice[/caption]
3. Make an Appointment with Yourself:
Treat your at-home Yoga practice like you would an appointment or date. Decide how many times a week you want to practice and allow yourself enough time to make it happen. Remember, when your alarm goes off you only have to make it as far as your living room.
Choose a time when you won’t be disturbed by family members, roommates or the phone. Decide how often and how long you want to practice. And give yourself permission to make some Yoga sessions short and sweet. The great thing about practising Yoga at home is that you can choose your workout depending on the length of time you have, the mood your in or how you are feeling physically.
4. Keep a Yoga Journal:
Start a Yoga journal that allows you to track your routines and progress. Track your moods, emotions, menstrual cycles, how your body feels, the length of each work out and all of your attempts and progressions.
5. Just Do It:
This is the most important aspect of doing Yoga at home - just do it! Have you woken up before your alarm? Why not squeeze in a quick Yoga workout? Watching a movie or favourite TV show? Why not go through a Yoga cycle while you do it?
You don’t have to get too creative, remember the practice is about you and no one else so there is really no way for you to go wrong.